VTC Alumni Making a Difference - Dr Timothy Shuen: Pursuing the truth by medical research, and broadening the vision with benevolence
Published Date : 2022-08-09
If you are developing your professional career, let’s make up your mind, continue to pursue self-enhancement, and grasp every chance you meet. Then, you are stepping on the road to success with your determination.
Dr Timothy Shuen was hired as a post-doctoral fellow at National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) 8 years ago. After all these years, Timothy has been promoted to be the Research Manager & Senior Research Fellow of NCCS, leading research on various cancers, including Liver Cancer and Nasopharyngeal Cancer. He also collaborates with international partners on scientific research. Timothy’s team would apply clinical trials of new treatments on suitable patients for curing cancer, and would explain to them in details.
Lived abroad for years, Timothy is still grateful for VTC’s nurturing back then. Being one of the VTC 40th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni, Timothy thanked IVE’s lecturer and senior fellows for fostering his faith in truth-seeking, 'They taught me to ask “Why?” correctly, and prove our hypothesis by experiments, enabling me to explore further in the realm of scientific research and contribute to the society.'